Back and Shoulder Awakening<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 1475

Back and Shoulder Awakening
Amy Havens
Class 1475

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Let you know what i think ? I loved it, Amy ! Awesome ideas, great cues, thanks for the treat :))
Let you know what i think ? I loved it, Amy ! Awesome ideas, great cues, thanks for the treat :))
love this! enjoyed every second :)
I think it was a wonderful workout after a lonnnggg day of teaching! Every bit of me feels worked. The dowel at the beginning was a great shoulder opener. I think my neck even got longer! And time flew, I was shocked when you said it was almost over. Thank you as always, you rock!
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Can't believe how fast this went! So good! Loved, loved the single leg in strap frogs! And....the teaser with the dowel. Thank you Amy for all of your fresh ideas!
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Great workout, as always!
Fantastic! Thank you.
Great workout !!!
Wow! Fabulous workout. Great explanations and cueing. Nice pace. Love the cues regarding pinkies, palms, etc. I feel like so much of my clients shoulder issues could be coming from wrist and hand instability/weakness/tightness and that those cues you mentioned will help.
Thanks, Amy!
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I thought it was a fabulous workout wth helpful cues. I tried using the dowel for footwork with a client of mine with Parkinson!s Disease, and she felt that it helped her a lot with keeping her chest and shoulders open, as well as feeling more in control. Thank you so much !
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