Mat Fusion<br>Kevin Bowen<br>Class 1597

Mat Fusion
Kevin Bowen
Class 1597

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I loved this class. Beautiful transitions in the mat work and I really appreciated the standing work. Some really lovely explorations. Thank you!
2 people like this.
Kevin is a bit of a pilates maestro during the mat work. This was my first pilatesanytime workout and I really enjoyed it. Thanks Kevin!
3 people like this.
I loved this class! Felt like we worked on every muscle from head to toes.. Thank you!
his cues are excellent, which is so important when trying to follow along from a laptop
1 person likes this.
Lots of fun movement. Great class. Thank you.
Welcome to PIlates Anytime Lisa!
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Amazing class!! Loved that there were tons of new and different moves in this class that I hadn't tried before.. I feel like I've worked and stretched every muscle in my body.. loved it!!!! :)
really nice Kevin! just came inside after 5 hours of yard work and it was the perfect class to re-energize for the evening. thanks!
Maravillosa, feels that all my energy is coming back to me on this Sunday, sunshining day in Lima, PerĂº, thanks very much for making me feel so great!!!!!
Thank you Kevin! This was the best workout class I've ever participated in! I loved it!
1-10 of 14

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