Hi Amitie , I am traveling the entire continent at present, perhaps I will be coming to a city near you for my new in-person lecture, all the footage is new as I share my latest research on the role of fascia in healthy movement. More info is at my website!
Thanks Gil Hedley , I am in Australia so unfortunately a bit too far for your workshops but I will definitely be checking out your website. Thanks again.
Amitie, even if you can't get to one of the lectures or full courses in the near future, there is still a lot to gain from visiting Gil Hedley's website. Here is a link to it www.Gilhedley.com. Enjoy!
Gina ~ Unfortunately we don't have a certificate for this workshop. I recommend asking the organization you are certified with if they will accept this workshop for CECs. You can then use the Video Tracker to show that you watched this workshop. I hope this helps and that you enjoy it!
I'm very interested in using this courses to fulfill my cec's for ACE Personal Training recertification. However, in order to petition the course, I need a certificate of completion. I would definitely purchase more workshops to fulfill my PT cec's requirement since I'm also a certified Pilates Instructor.
A heartfelt thanks to Pilates Anytime and Gill Headley for having this workshop on for free. What a gift ! A real eye opener for me in terms of anatomy and I feel so much more comfortable with my understanding of the body now that I have watched this workshop. I have to admit that I did shed a tear when it came to the part on the heart . Thanks also Gill for the fab poetry