Reformer for Dancers<br>Diane Diefenderfer<br>Class 1796

Reformer for Dancers
Diane Diefenderfer
Class 1796

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Perfect start for my day and a very good session:) lots of love.
Beautiful class!
How beautiful is this trio?! Thank you all for inspiring us so!
Great start for the day and finish for the week. Loved the instructions and smooth flow from each position. Thank you
1 person likes this.
I loved this dancing Pilates reformer workout! Thank you so much and add more like this in the future. Both the teacher and the students were perfect in this great video workout! A++ work!
Love dancing Pilates reformer, mat etc. bring it!
Perfect class, loved it!
Really enjoyed the class. Made me miss Ron I remember the footwork and transitions from when I worked with him in Texas. Loved the use of the standing platform.
Very nice to watch. Being a retired, competitive, ballet dancer, I'm looking forward in practicing this workout.
This was an excellent class - so beautifully done and explained. Loved it! Thanks!!
1-10 of 63

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