Unilateral Combinations<br>Ton V. & Michael F.<br>Class 1810

Unilateral Combinations
Ton V. & Michael F.
Class 1810

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2 people like this.
Teaser variations were great for strength. I have never mastered the reverse chest expansion, gotta keep working on that one. I always love you guys. You make every class fun!
1 person likes this.
It was great. I don't think I was elegant but there was sufficiency, as romana would say. Thanks for all the details about each exercise. Love the tag team.
Always love your way of teaching. Great to have the education programme of you in Holland years ago. learned so much of you guys.
Fun and challenging as always. Miss you guys!
Lynn G
You guys make me giggle! Tag team and fun. Thanks!
One of my favorites! Loved the cues and the encouragment. Doing with one what we do with both was awesome!
These guys are GREAT
1 person likes this.
This class was perfect!!!! Not too short, not too long. I feel like it gave me a great workout and was incredibly informative. Highly recommended!!!!
I left a comment yesterday after I completed the class. But I have to say the next day I am sore! I can't remember the last time I was sore after a pilates class! Awesome!
OMG you two are fabulous! I laughed so much and my body received a good workout. Thank you!
1-10 of 12

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