Stimulating Reformer Flow<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 1877

Stimulating Reformer Flow
Cara Reeser
Class 1877

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This class made me smile from ear to ear! Thank you!
This class was great bang for the buck (in terms of time). Thanks for doing that laying side series. I learned that at a class I took at The Pad in San Francisco a few months ago so it was good to get a refresher on the form.
Jodi B
Loved Cara! Ladies tomorrow morning at studio will be loving as well!
Great class! Precise and spot on.
amazing Cara!!! You teach so wonderfully, explaining whys, how's and what to look for, training our eyes to see what your experience sees. It make so much sense! Many many thanks
Wonderful Cara- thank you.
Cara, I LOVE your teaching!! Your fun and passion are motiving!! I will be in Colorado summer 2015 and hope to be able to book a time with you!
Ladies so grateful for your nice reviews. Celeste, keep me posted on your visit. I would love to see you here.
Always love your classes, Cara. Thank you for the inspiration!
Nice side lying leg in the strap work and arabesque elephant variation. also SO lovely to watch Meredith's form and apply the cues given so precisely - helped me find it in my own body esp the flex ion cue during stomach massage
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