BASI Pilates® Block System<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 1896

BASI Pilates® Block System
Rael Isacowitz
Class 1896

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2 people like this.
Made my day! Absolutely beautiful class! Thank you for the inspiration Rael, Meredith & Sarah!
1 person likes this.
Brilliant - a strong and graceful session! Thank you so much, Rael!!
2 people like this.
Beautiful class! I'm so grateful to finally see a reformer class from Rael on PA!!
1 person likes this.
Dear Rael, it is awesome to see you teaching, your energy and your passion is incredibly contagious! We can learn so much from you, thank you!
Meredith and Sara are beautiful!
Lucie Bécus
Just what I needed today Rael - thank you for a great workout!
Me too Jessica!!
Niurka C
Gracias Rael!!! Disfruté mucho de esta maravillosa clase. Fue un gusto conocerte en Brasilia y contagiarme mas con tu espíritu al enseñar Pilates. gracias por la energía y el poder que trasmites??
awesome instruction, what a delightful workout to start my sunday!
Little details with a Basi strong and powerful precision, awesome.
Class left me feel refreshed and wonderful. Thank you, PA, for bringing this class.
11-20 of 60

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