No-Nonsense Mat<br>Kelli B.<br>Class 2013

No-Nonsense Mat
Kelli B.
Class 2013

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Louise T
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loved it...strong cueing and full of energy
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Great class, great cueing!
Not a great class at all!
3 people like this.
Kelli this mat class was perfect! I love, love, love your emphasis in swan carried into the pushup. Wow, what a difference it makes in feeling your chest and back muscles. But my personal favorite was heel lifting in bridge. Yes!! I have found my secret weapon to really open my hips and therefore my lower back! Thank you! Amazing as always! So delighted you will be a regular now!
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Loved it... Love the "just do it" feel about this class
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Great cueing, nice pace, really liked it!
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The variations were intriguing but I found the cueing very confusing. I wish the instructor had led the class by doing.
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Interesting stuff..liked the varied emphasis , ie. rlb-lift hips more, saw-the back arm, swan-hands back a bit further,DLK-hand placement, rocking-shins push. Cool...thanks Kelli and thanks PA
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I feel sooooooooooo good after this! Thank you!
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Kelli, I really liked the difference in using all the muscles of the back/shoulder/upper-arm when coming up on our knees, widening the elbows and joining the hands. Thanks!
1-10 of 20

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