Dynamic Mat<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2144

Dynamic Mat
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2144

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It could be a great class if I had a raised box. Should list the raised box with required equipment. Many of the exercises in the repertoir are almost impossible to perform without the handles and foot strap, especially at fast pace.
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Thuy ~ Thank you for your feedback. All of these exercises can still be performed on a regular Mat. Many are easier with the raised Mat and Foot Strap, but they can still be done without these. If you need assistance with keeping your feet down in exercises that roll up, ankle weights are a good substitution as they help keep your feet weighted so you can roll up with more ease. I hope this helps!
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Love Love Love!!! I feel alive and true to my body. KRN you are amazing and fun
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Wow!! What a great class! I love classical classes with lots of variations like you did! You really are a great teacher! Looking forward to get a workshop or master class with you here in Costa Rica!!
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That was awesome Kathryn....full of energy and interesting variations..!!!
Also loved your new book...it's great...!!!
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I did it in honor of reuniting soon. Loved it! You rock.
Mor V
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Kathi! Thanx to your amazing class my hubbi did his first high bridge!! We are going out to celebrate tonight :) You rock!!!
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Loved my first viewing of your classes KRN, will be looking at more as I enjoy teaching the classical format.
Susan! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!
Amazing and thank you 
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