Hand Weight Feedback<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 220

Hand Weight Feedback
Amy Havens
Class 220

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Nice class Amy! Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed this Wilma. Nice to meet you!
Love working with arm weights. Great workout Amy!
Hi Elaine! Yay.....glad you enjoyed it. I'll do more armwork in my next class....stay tuned!
love the "PR" work for mat. Thank u
Hope they like it in the am here in austin.....cause thats what Im doing!
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Hi Jennifer! Glad you liked the class and the PR work.....and let me know how your class likes it too. I'll do more of that again soon...it's so great isn't it? Talk to you soon!
Love your cueing - great class. Thanks.
Thank you Maria!
Lots of creative armwork, thanks! I did modify the poses on the knees to be sitting on a ball instead -- neither I nor most of my students can spend that much time on our knees.
Hi Emily, thanks for your feedback. Yes, staying on the knees for that long may be troublesome for many. I offered that as an option, but certainly doing these sitting or standing would have been just fine too.
1-10 of 21

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