Great stuff! So important. Loved your mom as the participant. I will have to tell my 88 year old mom that she is not a senior but an active ager. She'll get a kick out of it!
Thank, Erika, for a wonderful, but too short, class. Binge watching your classes today! ;) Next up is the new Caddy class! Tell your mom thanks for being such a great student and for actually listening to you. ;) That's amazing in and of itself because I had to have my 90 year old mom take her privates from another teacher so she would do the work!
Jill, you crack me up! Listen, my Mom just came up to film at PA with me. I "fired" her from my studio years ago when I got busy and found her a great instructor closer to her house. She still takes twice a week and LOVES IT!
Thanks Erika! I really enjoyed it! You shared such great info. I teach a mat Pilates class two times a week at 55+ community fitness center. They take their active aging seriously!!