Rhythm Pilates® Breakdown<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 2274

Rhythm Pilates® Breakdown
Lisa Hubbard
Class 2274

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You can see there is so much of Gyrokinesis in this routine.
Lisa Hubbard
Yes Jennifer, there are some similarities of GYRO. I am a licensed GYROTONIC instructor and have been practicing for about a decade. It's physically a part of my being.
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I learned the 1st half and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I am dripping sweat and it feels so great! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. You're a Genius Lisa--a Genius. If 4 kids weren't about to get home, I would learn the second half. LOVE IT. Feels WONDERFUL!!!!!
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you Shan! I am happy that you're able to do class with me and take care of 4 children!? You are an inspiration!
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Love it! Thank you, Lisa.
Great inspiration, great flow
2 people like this.
Loved this, more rhythm Pilates please
Lisa Hubbard
Yes!! Thank you Sarah, I'm on it!!
Lisa Hubbard
Thanks so much ABCPILATES!! Loved that you joined me here, xo!
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Best workout so far!! Easy to follow fun flow! What a great workout..loved it!
11-20 of 33

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