Refresh Level 2<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 2329

Refresh Level 2
Karen Sanzo
Class 2329

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3 people like this.
This went right into my favorites. Short and so intensive. Loved the isometric side bend.Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Karen for an awesome class! You're such an inspirational teacher. Lots of positive energy, great ideas and so much knowledge. Putting this into my favourite list also!
3 people like this.
Loved the creative twist on the format! Thanks for always bringing that element to all of the classes you teach! You are one of my favorites!!
Just right.. thank you Karen !
Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
I cannot think of anything else but defining this class 'smart'!!!!!
More please
2 people like this.
Awesome learning for us teachers.

More like this ,please, Here we can get new ideas.
Karen Sanzo
1 person likes this.
Love the feedback from first responders!! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Good, clean, clear info. Get it all in the set up and you're good to go!!!!
2 people like this.
Loved this. Really tough work out with the spring tensions. I usually use less springs.
1 person likes this.
Thank you Karen. I echo the comments above. Great class! Love all the different variations. Inspirational teacher!
1 person likes this.
Loved this one. Thank you so much!
1-10 of 39

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