Creative Circuit Session<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 2347

Creative Circuit Session
Karen Sanzo
Class 2347

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This was awesome! So much fun and dynamic. I want to do it again and again.
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That was amazing. So much fun. Thank you Karen!
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Karen you are wonderful. I love your manner of teaching. Thank you so very much.
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It's Friday and this was my Happy Hour! Wonderful variety. Sharp and smart cueing. Kept my mind engaged with my body with a challenging flow of exercises. Thank you so much.
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Beautiful! Loved the pacing, the clear cueing and the variations. Thank you.
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Love your work karen! Transitions and flow are perfection! Thanks for sharing your talent.
Laurie B
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masterfully choreographed- the sequencing on point!!!!
Karen Sanzo
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Thanks to all of you for joining me. I just did this one myself. Whew. Good stuff this Pilates.
Nico G
So fun! Thank you!!
Always think of you when I do a backbend Karen! Your favorites are also my favorites...I love down stretch on reformer and pike on the chair. this was great and you look awesome thank you!
11-20 of 25

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