Advanced Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2491

Advanced Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 2491

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So happy to have such an amazing class! I loved it. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Beautiful flow, love your peaceful style
1 person likes this.
Great workout with a nice flow !!!
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed this class. Excellent cues with a nice reminder to listen to the body and adjust accordingly. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Absolutely inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
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Beautiful flow, thank you Merry.
1 person likes this.
awesome class Meredith, I really like your style!:)
1 person likes this.
Always love your classes your Cues/teaching points are excellent. Has Improved my own teaching techniques with my clients, plus myself getting a great challenging workout.
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this challenge, pace and embracing the principles of these movements. Thanks so much for sharing! Look forward to the challenge again soon! Be blessed Meredith
2 people like this.
love your workout Meredith...pretty advanced but challenging for me. Thank you for stating the springs before the movement. Folks like us at home appreciate it!
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