Jodi, When jumping, I put emphasis on rolling through the foot all the way to the heel instead on focusing on bringing the carriage into the stopper. Due to tightness in the calves and achilles most people won't be able to bring the carriage all the way in without losing the heel position. I think it is important to use the articulation of the foot to help absorb the weight and impact of the body when landing. What a great question and hope that helps.
I signed for the 30 free. It is the second video that I try to watch and I can not. It shows the image for about 5 min, then the image freeze and I can only listen. I watched another one 4 times, difeferent times and it happens 4 times. Now with this one. Is it a feature for the free traile ? If it is, at least a few classes should be shown in full. I want to see the whole thing before sign monthly, not a good feature. I pay other websites online classes, they do not have this happening.