Basic Standing Ending<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2671

Basic Standing Ending
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2671

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very nice!!
2 people like this.
As always with KRN : grace, strenght, stretch and much more; meaning: her enchanting personality and perfect teaching:) Love:) Thankyou:)
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And just for KRN's information: Tatiana Mindewicz-Puacz is a friend of mine who actually set up this account with PA for me. But it's Ewa DrapiƄska (Poland) who is the real person.
Yay!!! I miss you Kathi so have been practising your foot exercises and my Mat with KRN seasoning. Now I have some good morning mat with you too.

For any of you out there thinking about Kathi's Red Thread Training. DO IT!!!
Hello Ladies!!! Thank you so much for the support and kind words! I am still vibrating from the past two weeks on the isle of man and then in Scotland! Sending love and good health! Kath
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More mat work at level 1/2 and 2 from Kathryn please. The grace, strength and stretch that Ewa describes translates into such practical functionality!!
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Oh, Kathy, you are simple awesome!
1 person likes this.
Excellent workout! Great idea with cleaning the floor :)
I am so thrilled you like this!!!!!
Love this going to use with my clients this afternoon ?? you're amazing.
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