Spine Lengthening Practice<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 2758

Spine Lengthening Practice
Karen Sanzo
Class 2758

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Karen, I always enjoy your masterful teaching, cueing, and creative choreographing. Thanks for another great class.
Becky C
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LOVED the plank series at the end! Another great session as always! Thanks Karen.
Cool plank - and also I liked your cueing for the reverse swan - I always thought it was about getting the lower back down - but now I see it differently
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Loved it, as always. Thanks Karen and Nora.
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Such a good class for us slouchers! I feel so much taller now!
Karen Sanzo
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Reverse Swan....a great exercise.
Swan is an extension force exercise. Working all the spinal extensors; REVERSE swan, then, asks that the body hold the extension (while facing up...a total challenge) and then moving.
An "articulated" reverse swan could be performed here, and that might invite the low back into flexion.
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I second Holly's comment. Thanks Karen
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Loved it that the client was a normal person , not a flexible dancer . Great cueing and we could see the response to it . Excellent
Love the moving plank!
Sabine G
Thank you Karen for this wonderful class with unexpected and fun exercises!!
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