Wunda Chair Workout<br>Kathy Corey<br>Class 283

Wunda Chair Workout
Kathy Corey
Class 283

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Raymond Harris
Quality instruction..! I will use what I have learnt, in my classes tonight. I love experiencing new repertoire. Thank you
Raymond Harris NSW Australia
1 person likes this.
I love Kathy's focus on symmetry! I have an unbalanced body (ha, despite my BBU cert) and really love her focus on unilateral exercises that force the weaker side "not to cheat".
I really enjoyed this class. You can just tell Kathy is an expert instructor. I was not able to complete some of the exercises which is great because it gives me something to work towards. I look forward to doing this again!
Thank you! I really liked the simplicity of one spring! As well the sequencing and build up to the challenge. The calm and gentle yet, deceiving challenge! Cool Kathy!!!
I have seen some of these variations from Cara Reeser. Love the way 3 levels are provided! Really fun and challenging!! Thanks Kathy!
this was my 2nd class with cathy! wow! she is so easy to follow, the exercises were powerful but she sxplains them so well. im already looking for more classes that she is teaching!
Looking forward to trying this class out with my group this weekend. Amazing precise cueing...always a pleasure to see you in action Kathy!
Dig the hip abduction and extension with Mermaid and Push-Ups.
Awesome class, it went so fast!! need to work on the twist to teasers, love the pushup progressions!
This was absolutely fantastic!!! Thank you so much!
11-20 of 24

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