Back Body Reformer<br>Mariska Breland<br>Class 2934

Back Body Reformer
Mariska Breland
Class 2934

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Love this class. So nice to have some creativity and challenging exercises. Gave me some great ideas for my next class.
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Mariska, You're a wild-woman! I loved your funny comments throughout which kept the spirit light and belied the difficulty of the work! Great class!
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Loved the short and long box sequences. The variations that you did with the foot straps were so creative, I loved it. Loved the cues, very helpful.
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Great exciting class!! Lots of new variations! Love it!!
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Love this workout. thank you!
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Thank you Mariska for an amazing class! I sweat and laughed throughout. You have the best humour! I know exactly which video of Sly you are talking about. When I saw it I tried it too, I was shaking like a leaf lol
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Love this, thanks so much Mariska! Another great class!
Glad you liked it!!
I am always wowed by how people can come up with new things, that jackknife ! wow! love it. your cueing is great and your comfort with how your body has to adjust for it's imperfections is refreshing. my ribs like to flair too! ;)
Katina S
Loved your class. One question, I have an Allegro 2 Reformer. The foot bar slides along the frame from the foot bar position to the risers. In the inversion section where your head is toward the foot bar, are there modifications you can suggest? If I lift my foot bar it will unlock. Looking forward to more class from you.
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