Foam Roller and Magic Circle<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 295

Foam Roller and Magic Circle
Amy Havens
Class 295

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This class is so fun!! Love the variety..thanks!!
Amy, I so need this today. Too much driving too far. I now feel invigorated, stretched, and ready to get into my car yet one more time today. Thank you. loved your balance moves!
Hi Jamie....Hi Judith! Thank you so much for the feedback and comments....and so very glad you both enjoyed this class. Variety is the spice of it not?! Or at least one strong element! Judith, was there any one particular exercise in class that got you feeling 'put back together'? Just curious. Talk to you both again soon I hope.
Meryl B
Doing Pilates anytime in Boston and thrilled to have it. Back to SB in December
Hi Meryl! So good to hear from you and wonderful that you're taking class from us in Boston! Looking forward to seeing you in December! Take Care and see you soon!

Really enjoyed this class!
Thank you Brenda! Nice hearing from you!
Great class, Amy. Loved the variety of working with the foam roller and magic circle.
Thank you Elaine! :)
Wonderful Class. I only had a half hour today and this class was the perfect choice for what I wanted to work. It made me feel great. I don't have a foam roller so I used a small ball instead and it seemed to work fine with all the exercises. I expect sore muscles tomorrow. ;) Thanks Amy!
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