Monica - your cueing & imagery is always RIGHT ON - no matter what age you are working with! Great way to communicate and instruct ! Thanks for sharing :) ( besides the fact that family is always the hardest to instruct ! Like teaching your kids how to drive .... lol !)
It was great to see a beautiful young person learning pilates. Even as a young dancer, I could see this improving her focus, strength and her core. Great workout!
What a nice class to observe and a joy to watch! So nice to watch a beginner student and see how skillful cueing changes the way they move. Thank you for sharing with us!
I loved this class, because I teach my two girls from time to time and find it hard to wear two hats...the Mom hat and the Teacher hat...simultaneously. You did it well. 😉
Thank you everyone for all of your kind words and for taking the time to give me feedback! I know how exhausting just meeting your kid's basic needs can be and your comments give me the encouragement and extra energy I need to have patience and creativity when teaching them:)
Thank you for the class. A bit slow and the explanations (snake and tunnel) were a bit confusing having never heard those after 15 years of Pilates. Need to see a different camera angle so we know where the feet are placed. I was trying to help a friend and it was challenging.