Strength and Stability<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3030

Strength and Stability
Amy Havens
Class 3030

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Unexpected tough class -loved it!
Glad you enjoyed this Veronica !!
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So grateful for Summer Fling this week. I need it. You are the best Amy, thank you for your superb direction and pilates!
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On day 3 of the summer fling. Another great series from Amy! As Veronica said unexpectedly tough - and I will never go from rolling like a ball to a squat but I love it!
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Judy P AilsaB --- thank you for being here and doing this challenge!!!  Keep going and let me know how you get along!  AilsaB  -- I can help you with the rolling like a ball to squat if you'd like!  :)
Thanks Amy - that would be great - any help much appreciated!
Loved doing this class again….. shoulders loved it. Thanks Amy
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