Creative Mat Variations<br>Anula Maiberg<br>Class 3132

Creative Mat Variations
Anula Maiberg
Class 3132

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Anula Maiberg
Cassia Frade thank you so much!
Anula Maiberg
Jill thank you!!!
Anula Maiberg
Megan thank you so very much!
Anula Maiberg
Tracy thank you!!! 💙💙💙
Anula Maiberg
Lisa thank you Lisa!
Anula Maiberg
Heather thank you!
Anula Maiberg
Caroline thank you!
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So fun......thank you thank the variations with the ring and the sneaky way to get into russian squat! also loved your opening message - hard stuff so just try! Love love love your sessions!
Anula Maiberg
Jennifer that means the world to me. Thank you!
What an awesome class! I enjoyed the variations (both with and without the ring). Your humor made me laugh several times out loud - thank you for that! I think it is a great thing to bring humor to class and inspire your clients to enjoy themselves and try not to be perfect. Hopefully I can catch your next workshop in Boston :)
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