Swan on the Ladder Barrel<br>Blossom L.<br>Tutorial 3209

Swan on the Ladder Barrel
Blossom L.
Tutorial 3209

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WOW! Thank you so much Blossom for this tutorial. I've always dreaded swans as my thoracic spine does not like extension, so I never felt like this is a yummy exercise but following your lead I had a really good fun! I really love the cue to let the arms lead and head follows! Thanks you also for using several different people in your tutorial. It really helps! Plus I love your energy! I was giggling through out :)
Wow! So MUCH going on! So nice to see all the variations with different bodies! Loved all this❤️
Laura C
I could watch you every day, you're amazing.
Lovely! I never thought of the 90s as the fear of extension decade, but you are absolutely right. And I love seeing your slight changes with different bodies. This tutorial is extremely clear and wonderful.
Thank you, Blossom! I love your detailed instructions for the "Forever Young Swan", your creative arm positions, and most of all your sense of humor. Let's make Pilates fun!
Loved the regal swan! Very lovely and helpful!
Loved this - thank you for sharing.  : )

Samantha S
loved the lightbulb moment of every body is different so the work will look different on everybody... it translates into your teaching approach with the different bodies as well which was very insightful!
great cueing!!thank you for sharing!
Really excellent! Great to see the swan on the ladder barrel with different bodies!
11-20 of 23

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