Student-Centered Teaching<br>Tom McCook<br>Tutorial 3315

Student-Centered Teaching
Tom McCook
Tutorial 3315

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3 people like this.
Thank you, Tom! Love your student-centered approach. So important to "teach them how to fish" so our students can do their own self assessment and adjustments throughout their daily lives. ;) More please!
Very valuable
Lina S
1 person likes this.
"Mobilizing before stabilizing" is a key concept. Thank you for reminding its importance and the reasons behind it.
So many key concepts to remember. I have grown to find I do use many of these, but this is a great reminder for some that have gotten lost. Definitely we need to make the student experience far more objective from their self, and less subjective from ourself. Thanks Tom.
Thank you all for your feedback, I really appreciate it. Sending you all my best and thank you to Pilates Anytime!
1 person likes this.
Very helpful information!! Thanks Tom
Great tutorial thank you so much!
Thank you, "keep learning". Its so true, I can never say "I've arrived", too much to learn!
I could listen to you speak all day long, inspirational as ever, thank you
Thank you! Very informative and inspiring.
1-10 of 27

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