Eclectic Mat Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3361

Eclectic Mat Flow
Amy Havens
Class 3361

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Thank you so much Lacey M !
Joanna T
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What a lovely class! Just what I needed and I love your warm and calm teaching style - thank you. X
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I love this class and your relaxed way of cueing. I felt recharged and realigned after this. 😊
Lina S
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I've enjoyed being offered choices! Nice the corkscrew with bent legs. Thank you!
We always have choices!!  Thank you for taking class with me again Lina S !!
Omg! my new favorite!
SO much great variety in the workout!
Mim S
loved the buildup from deep breathing to quicker movements; the new inputs to familiar patterns! That mermaid stretch gave some new sensations :)
I loved your spine stretch forward variation!   :) 
Thanks Amy that was perfect!
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