Centering Reformer Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3369

Centering Reformer Flow
Amy Havens
Class 3369

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Thank you Sonja!
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Not sure why I didn't see this one earlier! Love it. Thank you Amy! Thank-you Pilates Anytime!
Thank you Colette !!
Loralie D
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Amy, you are such a blessing!  I love every one of your classes!  Thank you so much for your instructions, your calm demeanor, and keeping it challenging yet so relaxing!
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It makes my body feel good. I have a rod in my back and it seems to help it.
Thank you so much Loralie , that is such an honest comment for me.  :) . And Gail , I"m so happy to hear this class made your bod feel good!!  Happiness!
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Thank you so much for was just what I needed today and is going into my favorites list!
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Really loved the use of the ball. Great workout when short on time.ย 
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What a great class! Youโ€™re so talented ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘!
Another great class Amy. I love your style and cues. Thank you!!
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