The Sickle Foot<br>Diane Severino<br>Tutorial 3443

The Sickle Foot
Diane Severino
Tutorial 3443

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Angelika G
5 people like this.
I absolutely love this Lady!
3 people like this.
Could this woman be any better? Sharp, intelligent with a wicked sense of humor!
1 person likes this.
Thanks so much Diane.
2 people like this.
"Do not let the inmates run the asylum". Love that! Especially since I'm an inmate.
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My body is made in another world. It is a symphony, but ...
Thank you, Master.
I’m not sure I get the cue heel is higher than the toe. The toes are still above the heel. Please explain
Christie K
2 people like this.
Diane- please keep them coming! I really enjoy your entertaining insight and instruction. You are one of a kind!
Colette C
I love this! And her style of saying it!!!!
Diane Diefenderfer
Well done Diva Diane!!! Instead of the proverbial "cup of tea" on the turned out heel......I think I'll use the Tequila shot!!! Love you!
1 person likes this.
Literally the best thing I've ever seen.
1-10 of 14

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