Psoas & Stomach<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 3460

Psoas & Stomach
Niedra Gabriel
Class 3460

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Loved this! A new area to roll and felt wonderful!
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Hi Niedra, I really liked this class, I did find it painful and not much release yet, I had a C section 2.5 yrs ago, could that make it harder to get through and release? How often would it be ok to do this a week?
Many thanks! loving this whole journey!
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This is a whole new game for me! :) Lots of new discoveries and surprises how tight this area was as I frequently use other ways to release my Psoas but not Stomach. Feeling my lower extremity is much lighter, and opened afterwards as I walk. What a treat to start my day (teachings), so delicious! Thank you very much Niedra.
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Thanks for this new gem of a sequence, Niedra :)) Yet another one i'll need to get back to from time to time!
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As a trainer I LOVE releasing the Psoas and the deep and superficial front lines......instructors get so tightened and shortened! Great class
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Debra Anne P. Chloe Jenny and Lori for your comments. I know this front body work can be painful but well worth it. C sections can be challenging of course - scar tissue build up but no matter what your condition, this work helps the body recalibrate upwards.
Amazing! WOW. Thank you.
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Wow, I have never felt so much stretch and release in my front torso. Fantastic! And my tight left side has released a whole lot too! Thank you, Niedra Gabriel :)
Niedra Gabriel
I am applauding you Kirsty , this is awesome!
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Thank you Niedra! As always I enjoy listening to your discussion through the exercise. It's so much more enjoyable to do what's good for the body when the mind can connect it all!
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