Mobilizing Garuda Flow<br>James D'Silva<br>Class 3952

Mobilizing Garuda Flow
James D'Silva
Class 3952

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2 people like this.
So refreshing.  This workout brought me back in line with my spine again -- or maybe brought my spine in line.  Not sure, but I feel good!
2 people like this.
What a surprise James!!!!!
Looking forward to see you in April in Australia for the Garuda training.
1 person likes this.
Amazing movement exploration!!! Thanks would love to do more!!!
Lina S
1 person likes this.
A really creative workout,  a mix of Pilates and yoga! I've really enjoyed it!
1 person likes this.
I can’t believe you are on Pilates anytime! I love your work!
Melania M
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marvellous!  more please, this was brilliant.
2 people like this.
I had to do a double take when I saw James on here! Yes!!! Can’t wait to do this work out! His method is fantastic! Please can we have lots more from him! Barre Chair Reformer😊
2 people like this.
Mind blowing class!!! Outstanding!!!! More classes like this please!!!

1 person likes this.
So inspirational, loved every moment of it. Missing live classes🥰😇🌈
1 person likes this.
Fabulous as always, so happy to see the work spread x
11-20 of 78

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