Be Present Mat<br>Dana Santi<br>Class 3992

Be Present Mat
Dana Santi
Class 3992

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2 people like this.
Just when i'm trying to work on shoulder connections Dana pops up! Thank you for this class, hope to see you in september again Dana at Amy's studio in portsmouth x  
Sylvia S
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Nothing new 
3 people like this.
So much great information to take in on this class.  I've been a practitioner for 16 years (and a teacher) and Dana's approach here brings it back to Joe's "Return To Life" work. 
I thought for neck health when doing most abdominal work the neck should be long with chin slightly tucked, so as to engage the deep cervical flexors not the scalenes. Are there two schools of thought on this? Just curious the rational for having the neck so flexed. Thank you.
4 people like this.
I loved the class but would have preferred if it was 60 mins instead. Felt i was scrambling to get into position too much. 
2 people like this.
Not at all impressed   ............... whats new>
1 person likes this.
Loved this - as always Dana amazing cueing thank you.
1 person likes this.
Enjoyed the pace and felt  it to be thorough
Benjamin Degenhardt
Lo-lo-lovely to work out with you both! xoxoxo
1 person likes this.
Super Class Totally enjoyed it and Great Cues!
1-10 of 33

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