Mat for Thorax and Planks<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Class 4016

Mat for Thorax and Planks
Elizabeth Larkam
Class 4016

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Sandyjgrant, so happy this class delivered effective effort and surprised you with your own success! That was my intention. I really appreciate your comment
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We are so fortunate to have you teach us another class full of fascial gems. Thank you very much. More please
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This class is full of surprises and awards for the shoulders and the thorax; movements are in a great flow as much as you are; amazing elegance in transmissions...thank you so much
Beverly, Thank you for appreciating this class. You will find many of my classes on Pilates Anytime that do not require props are compatible with this one. Please try: #4037, #4014, #3692, #3341, #2946, #2507, #2115, #863.
Thank you so very much Cigdem for your poetic comment. As you know well, Flow encompasses movement, voice, vibration, intention.
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Good morning from Oakville, Canada! Thank you, Elizabeth, for bringing some release to my "stuck-at-home" Thoracic! Sending love and light to all! 
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Thanks Elizabeth. I always enjoy your workouts. You are so knowledgeable and show many different variations. You were my first Pilates instructor and i continue to learn so much from you. Thank you for all you do.
Lisa, a pleasure to hear from you! Thank you. An honor to be your first Pilates teacher and to continue our communication. Very best always.
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I enjoyed this class. I find myself at a point where the thorax would like to assume a flexed comfort posture - a reflection of age and the defensive movements we are taking as societies in the world today. Post class I can feel the warmth created from openings and a central glow. Ready to reach out again..thank you 😌
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Thank you! Always appreciate how you pair science and anatomy with meaningful movement; not to mention trendy fashion.  I will watch this again and again. Thank you for the sensible progressions.
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