Glutes and Inner Thighs<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 4114

Glutes and Inner Thighs
Tracey Mallett
Class 4114

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Gerri M
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This was truly butt changing...loved the glutes firing and felt the burn
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I wanted about 40 minutes of exercise, so I did Tracey's abdominal workout 1st. Then I did this one.  The ab workout is harder than this one, so I am glad i did abs 1st. But they are both fun, and hard, and Thank you Tracey:) 
Juliana A
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love it!!!! 
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Yah Tracey yes ! 20 mins quick burn to a better Booty ,,,, donkey 🦵 kicks 🦵 killers ‘. We need a Tracey bikini body booty
Cynthia G
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Great  Queen of surprises! :)
1 person likes this.
Awesome glute, thigh workout thanks!
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Yet another fabulous class!!
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Thank you for making pain and torture fun!!! Need this for summer!
Gerri M
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Took your advice and started doing this daily...seeing nice changes in stamina and shape on day 5! Yahoo..thanks..more fin every time 
1 person likes this.
Very intense class!!!! I love it
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