Great class and very challenging in parts even though I consider myself to be relatively fit! Also showed me how much I need to keep working on my balance.
Hi Nancy, So far we are allowed to do unloaded/supine or sidelying rotation avoiding endrange spinal rotation and also avoiding additional overpressure by using arms (or a teacher) to push into more rotation. Think of working on rotation only to 80% of maximum rotation.
Not sure what you mean by "contemporary teacher." I think that no matter what style of teacher you are, you are obligated to protect your clients from injury especially if they have osteoporosis. This is a class for people with all kinds of spinal shapes. Over 100 people were in this class so I can't really know what their spinal bias is (hyperlordosis or flat back) It is a general instruction. With a private I can look at the client and determine how to bring their body into balance. When working abdominals in supine, I choose the thickness of the band based on their lumbar curve. Thicker band (like a fletcher towel) for hyperlordosis or a thinner band (like a dog leash) for someone with a flat back. It is okay to do a posterior tilt in supine for someone with osteoporosis.
Amanda I think I showed this in the class, you would need to use your hand/wrist to "fill up the space behind the head or just have them tie the stick to their back or slide it into their shirt or under the brastrap to hold it in place just touching the thoracic spine curve apex and sacrum.
Sherri, Thank you once again for clear direction on how to guide our actively aging clients as well as some of us being active aging teachers !!! Seriously very grateful for your heartfelt wisdom :)
I REALLY enjoy your instruction. I am in the process of completing my 500 hours of Pilates instructor training. Have observed 80 hours of instructors teaching and have practiced well over 100 hours. I am also a Registered Dietitian, certified yoga teacher, NASM certified personal trainer, and I have osteopenia. :( I have noticed some teachers advise to imprint the spine (slight Posterior Pelvic Tilt) where others advise to work from a neutral pelvis such as my lead instructor. I agree that finding balance is our goal. Is it safe to work from a neutral pelvis in exercises such as Single or Double-Leg Stretch if the abdominals are strong enough and there is no lifting of the back or overflow to shoulders? For group classes, should we be giving clients the option to work from neutral or imprint? Thank you!
Yes, it is definitely okay to choose either neutral pelvis and lumbar spine or posterior tilt/imprinted spine for your client based on your assessment and what their body needs to improve their control. I actually love to work with clients on control of BOTH of those positions on demand and at will. I want them to have control of their pelvis and spine in ANY and EVERY position! Great questions and I love your mindset!