Feel Good Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4530

Feel Good Tower
Amy Havens
Class 4530

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Rhonda N
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Really loved this! Thank you as always.
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Loved it Amy! 40' of pure goodness! Thank you xx
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It felt good and there was just the right amount of challenge!  Jeesh!  Thanks Amy girl! 
Rebecca T
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Did this with my tower on the go! So I didn't have to even leave my office! 
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Beautiful class. Loved it. Thank you Amy for your energy and joy!
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That was lovely, nice balance of strength and stretch. Thank you!
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Thanks for this excellent class, Amy! I appreciated the deliberate pace since I use my Tower a lot less than my Reformer. Question for you: I am unable to curl my toes like you did due to having foot surgery last year. (It’s really uncomfortable on the foot that had the surgery.) Any advice for modifications for that and thighs stretch?
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Hi Amy, thank you for this lovely class, gentle, flowing and "feel good".  Love the setting too, added to the "zen".
Robin S
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There's a saying, " the higher the truth the simpler the action." This class is the embodiment of that. Always love your classes, this one in it's simpleness was deeply beneficial. Thank you  
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I always love your classes, Amy, but this one was such a treat. 
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