Building Articulation<br>Katie Yip<br>Class 4569

Building Articulation
Katie Yip
Class 4569

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I am a big fan of classes with rotation so this is favorite class so far. I used 5lb leg weights until minute 17, lost them, and added them back when we got to neck pull. The move where we put one straight leg to the side and followed with the other leg was probably my favorite (tik-tok?). I got a good workout, sweated, rotated, and had fun. Thanks Again Katie:) 
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Gary M Yes Tick Tock! Great work :)
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Not just articulation but pulses too! Tough but good. Thank you! :)
Lisa V
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Literally my new favourite class x
Lisa V Thank you Lisa!
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Pen S More pulses! LOL Great work Pen!
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Wow this was an amazing class! Some of these abdominal series were very challenging but your cueing was absolutely spot on. Thank you and look forward to your next class. Great work!!!
Michelle B Thank you for taking class! See you in the next class :)
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Loving your programme, super challenging - I just cannot do teasers but feel great after.
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Thank you very much. I very much enjoyed the class. Happy balance of difficult and challenging bits. I have very much enjoyed the whole series so far. Especially how the classes and then the series come together/ programming. (my comments did not show before, apologies, I am trying again because  the class was that good and this is second return for me. )
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