Two-Way Stretch Mat<br>Katie Yip<br>Class 4575

Two-Way Stretch Mat
Katie Yip
Class 4575

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Federica A
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Another great class, thank you so much!
3 people like this.
Even though I will probably never get my nose to my knees in any position, I still love stretch classes like this. Personally, I thought this class was inspired! I wore 5 lb leg weights which worked for me. I am much more lengthened, worked-out, & a bit sweaty. Thanks Again Katie:) 
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Thank you! Love the strength and stretch combination.  :)
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Really enjoying this series
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Lots of modifications for me, but this was such a great class! I did it first thing in the morning and my body was very appreciative for the stretching! 
2 people like this.
An essential class for me. Very well designed and presented. Healing! I am going repeat this class and pair it with a favorite classic mat in my que. Thank you.
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1 person likes this.
Thank you for fixing my  body...That was sooo needed ;)) 
Carrie S
2 people like this.
I need more of your workouts!
1-10 of 15

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