Magic Circle Mat<br>Diane D and Laura H<br>Class 4663

Magic Circle Mat
Diane D and Laura H
Class 4663

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Edgar A
1 person likes this.
What a great workout! I felt my inner thighs right away. I particularly enjoyed rolling down with the imaginary tray of champagne over my shins and then finding teaser.
Wow, I’m always looking for magic circle classes for when im away from my reformer , and this one is great , love the flow, hope we see more of both of you! Thx
Great Class!
I loved the pace, the cues, the giggles and the mother-daughter love. Great class ladies, thanks.
Maria B
Great class but a little bit too challenging for me! I will try it again when I am fit enough!
Such a fun class, with a great flow & wonderful vibe. Also love seeing two generations come together - it made the class that much more special!
Loved this collab class. I have appreciated seeing Laura's beautiful dance quality in all the videos and I didn't realise till this video that you are daughter and mum, beautiful team, thank you! 
Laura Maria
What a fun class! great energy 
Such a cute mother/daughter duo!!! I wanna move like that with my mama!! Awww! Well done!
11-20 of 61

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