Stretch Power<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 4906

Stretch Power
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 4906

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Great class!  I was excited when I saw this class was available.  My body feels great after stretching.  Thank you!
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Thanks Sarah loved the stretching movements at the end!
Wonderful to hear Diane V !!  Hope to see you in person some time soon. take care!
Hi Summer G,  yay!  Thanks for playing...take care 
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Hello! Great class. I was curious if I could ask about the equipment. Are those the new balanced body soft touch straps/ropes? I'd love to know if you like them? Thank you!
Really loving this series, thanks so much Sarah and please keep them coming!
Hi Andrea R,  I don't think these straps are the soft touch.  They have had those reformers for a number of years and I don't think they have "upgraded" the ropes/straps(we filmed this class a few months ago and I am not at PA studio regularly).  At my studio, I still have the old straps with the D ring...which I like just fine.  for me, it will take a little getting used to to shift to the new style, but I imagine that when/if I do, I will like the quiet they provide.  Take care!! :) 
Thank you Louisa Harris !!!
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Thanks Sarah this was a really great class, I loved it!
Thank you Kazzie !  Hope to "see" you again soon:) 
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