Thank you for this invigorating class! I like standing Pilates work from time to time. Great cueing, although sometimes the explanations seem lengthy when we don't move or wait for the exercise! Nice variety of exercises. I like the balance challenge at the end!
Fantastic class Amy!! Love the cues and suggestions that you so adeptly sprinkle throughout the class, very imaginative- they tempt the audience to move with concentrated form, focus and creativity!
Love all your workouts, and really the standing workouts- for bone loading/strength, balance and proprioception. All whilst keeping the pilates principles in mind. Thanks Amy- I look forward to more of these classes!
This was such a great class, Amy! I did it with my tween-age daughter. While she did it to strengthen her arms, I did it for fall prevention. We each got something unique out of it. Thank yoU!