Knee Anatomy & Biomechanics<br>Brent Anderson<br>Discussion 4989

Knee Anatomy & Biomechanics
Brent Anderson
Discussion 4989

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Paola  C
excellent explanation as always brent thanks for this program
Lina S
Excellent introduction. This presentation helped me "connect the dots" by explaining very well the link between certain things.
The best.. as always Thank you Brent 
Never enough from you! More more more please! 🙏
Sutthinee S
This is make me more clarify from my previous class of Flanklin method that i had studied. It’s come in the right moment to found your knee antomy class. I had a lucky moment. Thank alot
Wonderfully explained.  Thank you.
Thank you Brent.  That was so clear!  
Abeer  A
Hello Dr. What an amazing detailed yet simplified version of the knee joint. but I do have a Q, the spin motion happens only in extension or in both flexion and extension? and if in both, how is it different from gliding? thank you
Abeer  A
or are the terms roll/ glide surface specific or motion specific? convex and concave? flexion/extension
Hi Abeer, great questions about the arthrokinematics of the knee.  The spin, glide and spiral of the knee joint happen in both flexion and extension, however, opposite directions. In knee flexion the femur will spiral laterally, spin posteriorly and glide anteriorly and just the opposite with extension.  Similar to a jar opening and closing, the lid and jar must go in opposite directions to successfully open or close the jar.  It is also important to know that as we discuss the femur moving through space with flexion and extension, we must remember that the neighboring bones i.e. pelvis and tibia are going to experience the opposite movement with equal and opposite forces.  I hope that helps.
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