Stamina!<br>Jamie Isaac<br>Class 5118

Jamie Isaac
Class 5118

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Taghrid K
Thank you Jamie for a great dynamic workout, felt my heart rate go up, loved the use of yoga and dynamic squats. Good cues and easy to follow.
Cheryl Z
 dynamic squats really  sweaty fun 
Lovely class - good flow, and clear cues. Many thanks!
Super-fun and dynamic class, I felt amazing afterwards and will definitely do it again! Thanks Jamie x
Great class! Just what I was looking for. Thank you Jamie! 💪
Elisabetta Iannelli
Wow . This was amazing . Thank you 🙏
Great class!! I definitely need to practice some of those moves! Very creative variations- thank you!
Fun is right! LOVE this energetic mat workout, and especially  the hints of yoga and animal flow!
11-18 of 18

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