Strengthening Upper Body<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5178

Strengthening Upper Body
Amy Havens
Class 5178

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Thanks Amy I truly enjoy your teaching style.
1 person likes this.
My body feels fantastic! Thank you Amy as well as the other brilliant teachers that have been giving us new classes for the Tower and Cadillac!
Totally loved this class!! Ty!!!
Amazing!  Really loved this class and so needed it!  Thank you Amy!
Ruth B
Great class. Creative twists on traditional moves. Variations of side leg work with push through bar were wonderful. Always look forward to all your lessons
Loved this class, Amy! Loved your mermaid variation and the spread eagle at the end. I have not done that one in a long time and it felt so good! Thank you!
A new tower favorite for that extra work in upper body. But you did not forget that lower body either!!  Thank you for this great class!

Thank you for this new tower class Amy, more of those please!:)
Love this class and great moves to copy and use with clients - cool new side bend 
Michele S
Really enjoyed your class and cues were very informative and helpful. Thank you!
1-10 of 20

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