Vertical Mat<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 525

Vertical Mat
Niedra Gabriel
Class 525

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Fun and different way to do my pilates exercises- standing up. I enjoyed the class, Niedra!
Thank you Niedra, I'm now have a different perspective of mat pilates!
i enjoyed this. thank you. great for before your day starts xh
Loved this class. I'm doing more and more standing work with my classes these days, so your class has given me lots and lots of ideas. Thanks so much!
excellent class. more classes by Niedra pls!
This was so perfect for doing in a hotel room!!
Niedra Gabriel
Peggggy - you go lady, love that you did this class in a hotel room. Wild.
excellent workout, really useful for my horseback riding, thank you. Very clear teaching. :)
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Linda, I see you live in England, which I love, and visit once a year ( teaching classes and workshops) enjoy, enjoy.
Thanks for all of the lovely back and shoulder stretches! Loved the topsy turvy work.
1-10 of 12

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