Teaching an Advanced Student<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 5338

Teaching an Advanced Student
Meredith Rogers
Class 5338

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Just when you think you can’t dive any deeper into those exercises, Meredith shows up :) Thank you for the magic Meredith & Renata! 
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Amy S thank you for watching!!!! ❤️
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Such a treat to be your student Meredith! It was an honor to have had this opportunity ❤️
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Cool extension with no springs 
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Dear Meredith I am watching you for seven years now I also love to be your student from Israel as a guest.
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Grateful always to be a student and that's exactly how this felt. Amazing. Your cues and style is just so lovely. Thank you for filming this, Meredith. 
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Hi Meredith, I often get puzzled when teaching an advanced student and wonder how to challenge him or her more. You gave me some great ideas plus, I love your cues, both verbal and tactile. Thank you so very much for this class
Michele M
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Wow thank you Meredith!  I feel very balanced and strong after this amazing practice:) I loved the pace, sequence and nuances of slowing your practice down to feel the balance and deeper muscle layers.  
Adit Kesten I would love that!  The best way to organize something would be to contact @Chanda at Pilates Anytime.
Thank you to you all for moving with us and for sharing your feedback.  I love to hear it and appreciate it so much.
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