Zesty and Powerful Reformer<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5356

Zesty and Powerful Reformer
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5356

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1 person likes this.
A lot of fun, creative variations!  I particularly enjoyed the single leg work standing at the end of the reformer. Thank you for a great class!
That standing leg work has become a regular must do for me too! Thank you Rachel P. :)
Michele M
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Thank you Sarah! That was zesty and all the balancing exercises and stretching really opened up my hips, legs and back body!:D. Very creative!
Jessica H
1 person likes this.
Thank you for an amazing class! Excellent cues and creativity. Love the yoga references as well. 
Thank you Michele M.  I am so very pleased your body appreciated this class.  Take care:) 
Hi Jessica H,  Thank you so very much:) 
Really great class! I loooved thr variation of Star on the floor.
Really great class! I loooved thr variation of Star on the floor.
Really great class! I loooved thr variation of Star on the floor.
Thank you Cate Dupslaff !  I am so glad you enjoyed the class!!
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