Power Arms, Back, and Core<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5406

Power Arms, Back, and Core
Tracey Mallett
Class 5406

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Awesome blossom...loved the balance work and the snake & twist prep!  and the nice push with the weights.   thank you thank you 
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love it!!!
1 person likes this.
Fantastic! Such a challenge and such fun! Class flew by. Thank you! Can’t wait to repeat. 
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Love this class !!!! Love Tracey mallet🩵
Danielle  L
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My favorite class to date!
Ellie P
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Tracey Mallett classes are absolute perfection. They are challenging but fun in a way that it is impossible to give up when it gets tough . 
Michele M
Awesome practice!  Loved the added weights, Thank you Tracey!  Quickly went into my favs:D
Another great workout! Thank you, Tracey. You look amazing, and I absolutely love your classes. ❤️
What an excellent class!  
Marney M
1 person likes this.
Fabulous class. Challenging and fun.  Excellent instruction and cueing. Thank you very much.
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