Creative Combinations 2.0<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Class 5419

Creative Combinations 2.0
Viktor Uygan
Class 5419

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great stuff!
Jessica s. Lim
I LOVE the plank walk back. Thank you so much
Michele M
Super fun and creative flow!  I appreciate the reps and additional hamstring stretches!  Thank you Viktor!:D
Lina S
Fun class! We've worked in multiple planes of motion. Nice stretches included too. I've particularly enjoyed the saw + spine twist variation as well as the final one  (hamstring stretch with twisted low lunge).
Loved your combinations. Thank you so much 😊
Ann S
Great full body class with such unique combos!!  Thanks for sharing...almost forgot how great combos can be.
Really creative set- thank you! Will definitely need to do this one again soon!
Viktor Uygan
Jessica s. Lim Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know that you loved my class, and in particular, the plank combo. Your feedback means a lot to me and I'm thrilled to hear that you found the class enjoyable.
Viktor Uygan
Jessica I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the class! It's always great to receive positive feedback. 🙏🏻
Viktor Uygan
Michele M I'm thrilled to hear that you not only enjoyed the class but also experienced the positive impact it had on your body. Thank you for your decision to move with me 🙏🏻
1-10 of 37

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