Speed & Agility Reformer<br>Jason Williams<br>Class 5440

Speed & Agility Reformer
Jason Williams
Class 5440

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Shona Croft
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Totally loved that and your easy joyful way of leading us through this brilliant little workout x
Jason Williams
Shona Croft thank you Shona! Glad you enjoyed the class😁
1 person likes this.
Really great full body, heart pumping class!!!
Jason Williams
Natalie Z glad you enjoyed!! Thank you 🙏🏾 
1 person likes this.
Loved it!  Thank you Jason.
Jason Williams
Vicki O you’re welcome! Thanks for taking class 😃🙏🏾
1 person likes this.
Loved it!!  Looking forward to more classess.  Thanks

Jason Williams
Jodie thanks Jodie!! 🙏🏾
Kelsi M
1 person likes this.
Fun class!  Great way to mix it up and get some awesome cardio!
Jason Williams
Kelsi M thank you!! Appreciate you🙏🏾😁
11-20 of 30

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